
An Expansive Model: A Global View of

Race, Culture, & Trauma in the Treatment of Addiction

6 CEs for ACCBO and NBCC Counselors

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Purpose: To Raise Visibility and Competency

In the Treatment of Trauma in Addressing Addiction

and the Effects of Race and Culture.

Presenters:  Clare E Steffen, Ed.D., NCC, BCC, CADCII, ICADC

Mark Harris, MA, CADC

Northwest Christian University (NCU)

828 E. 11th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401

Professional Studies Bldg.  Conference Room

On-site, allow time to find space

Date & Time: Friday, Nov. 11, 2016 9 am- 4 pm

Cost: $129.00 

NCU Student's Cost $80.00 

 Enroll now or call Clare E Steffen, Ed.D., NCC, BCC CADCII, ICADC

 to enroll 541. 221. 3408

Contact Information

If you would like further information about this even please fill out this form or call Clare E Steffen, Ed.D., NCC, NCC, CADCII, ICADC at 541-21-3408

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Seminar Description

An Expansive Model:  A Global View of Race, Culture, and Trauma in the Treatment of Addiction

Clare E Steffen, Ed.D., CADCII, ICADC, NCC, BCC  & Mark Harris, MA.

The concepts of race and culture are frequently used interchangeably, which falsely represents large groups of people.  On an individual basis, it can distort service delivery, and result in the perpetuation of bias.  Being able to distinguish between race and culture offers a first step in the provision of trauma-informed and sensitive counseling.  Approximately ten percent of Americans report being in recovery and require assistance maintaining sobriety.  Approximately 23.5 million Americans are addicted to drugs or alcohol and these numbers continue to rise.  Unfortunately, there are many gaps in service delivery, and frequently a medical model or westernized medicine doesn't adequately address all the needs.  Counseling may serve an important role in closing the gap. Counselors can clearly provide an important service that allows some individuals or their families to become educated on issues of race and culture and their influence on trauma and addiction.  Having an increased awareness and a step-by-step approach to treatment will allow counselors to contribute and provide trauma-informed and sensitive services. 

Seminar Goals: 

To apply principles of advocacy in AOD treatment

•To examine an inclusive model in the treatment of trauma

•To improve counselor skills in addressing trauma in AOD treatment

•To learn how to develop trauma-informed and sensitive therapies. 


Workshop Objectives: 


To learn how to address racial and intergenerational trauma in AOD treatment

•To view the impact of race and culture in substance use and other addictive disorders

•To provide a model for healing 


Six Steps to Providing Trauma-Sensitive Treatment:

1) Differentiate the impact of race and culture

2) Respect the advancements in neuroscience and apply a
brain/mind-behavior relationship approach in treatment

3) Initiate the "The Mending" of trauma 

4) Offer Healing from a 4 Directions perspective

5) Address the Gaps in service delivery

6) Provide trauma-sensitive/informed treatment




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