F.O.C. Coach Training

Family of choice Coach Training

Choice Concept:

     No matter what environment we work or exist in, we all want to know that we have meaning.  A purpose in life drives us to achieve remarkable things, and create balance in our lives.  It is our relationships that uniquely define us, and the contributions we make.

      The delicate balance between competing and creating evokes an internal tension, that when directed allows us to develop a visionary focus.  It is important to remain authentic to oneself, which can be very difficult in the demanding society in which we live.  Social networks provide means by which we can communicate in a multi-dimensional manner, but it can also become a trap and disrupt our efforts at communicating on an intimate level. 

      Some of our most profound moments come out of simplicity.  Teaching clients how to align with the simple truths in life can assist in creating personal balance.  Assisting a client in building an authentic foundation can guide them through life, and can be achieved through personal coaching.  In learning to become a wellness and prevention coach, you can impact an individual’s life and help them in finding personal meaning and create choices that fulfill and satisfy in life. 


In providing counseling services, we often approach an individual from the perspective of being “sick.”  The Coaching Choice Model is a means by which you can offer a Wellness Model as opposed to a “Sickness Model.”  If you are looking to provide your clients with an alternative to treatment, offering coaching may by a healthy option, along with a potentially profitable revenue source.

Philosophical Foundation:  New Choice Thinking offers an integrative coaching approach utilizing cognitive-behavioral, neuro-psychological, and natural health methods.  The foundation of coaching is based on advances in the fields of cognitive-behavioral psychology, neuro-science, behavioral medicine, and wellness.  It shares the theoretical roots of existential psychology, choice/control theory, information processing, and social and emotional intelligence.  Building on the best from each of these schools of thought; the coaching approach incorporates the advantages of "social networking."  This holistic approach to coaching, allows for the complex and multi-faceted manner in which people communicate in today's world.  Taking into considering that we live in a global society, with multi-cultural influences in which communication occurs instantly; coaching efforts must adapt to the broader spectrum.  As the lines of communication become blended the opportunity for change increases.

Family of Choice (FOC) Coaching:  Choice coaching is a specific approach to coach training and when combined with FOC coach training it goes beyond the traditional coaching model and extends mentoring to the development of family support by offering a healing community. 

                              Coaching Choice College

Choice Coaching Training Program:  Coaching Choice College offers a social entrepreneur development program in holistic coaching.  The basic training program offers 30 hours of training in three tracks: business, life-choice, wellness coaching (see coaching choice college page for more details).  A 60 hour advanced training program is available for further development of choice coaching skills and your personal coaching business.  Choice Coaching can be provided separately or alongside therapy. Generally, coaching doesn't go as deep as therapy and the coach would either refer to a licensed therapist to address therapy issues, or work conjointly with the client's licensed therapist or medical or holistic professional in providing services. Coaching Choice College provides a coach training program that offers broad application along with specialty training modules & programs 

Levels of Coach Training Available:

  1. Apprentice or Entry (High-School Diploma, No College Degree required, Vocational Educational background acceptable)
  2. Journeyman or Intermediate (B.A. Degree required or work  equivalency required)
  3. Master or Advanced (Master Prepared or Higher level of Education or work equivalency Required)*

Coaching Choice College is an approved provider training site for The Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE), upon completion of the 30 hour course a certificate will be provided for submittal to CCE. Continuing Education Units (CEU's) for other organizations and Professional Development Units (PDU's) may be available in conjunction with Coaching Choice Training.

Contact:  Clare E Steffen, Ed.D., BCC at 541.221.3408 or

Continuing Education for Certification Renewal: is an affiliate program of Coaching Choice College that offers distance learning, Face-to-Face, and 1:1 tele-sessions.  For more information, please visit

Family of Choice Coaching~Continuing Education Course
Call:  Clare E Steffen, Ed.D., BCC 541-221-3408 today to enroll: 

$129.00 (4 Board Certified CEs): 1-hour webinar or phone session and 3 hours in Choice College (our online education learning system)

Family coaching can assist families with developing, improving, or learning new ways to communicate.  Frequently, families get stuck in old patterns of behavior and need to learn to make new or healthier choices.  As a coach, you can be instrumental in helping families learn how to change old or unhealthy patterns.  Restructuring the family to incorporate equality, empowerment, “good listening skills,” plans for change, and a maintenance plan for changes made can be invaluable.  Using the stages of change model, cognitions of choice, and The Big Five of Healthy Relationships will provide you with the formula needed to guide families through change so they can learn to make healthier relationship choices.  Teaching negotiation, mediation, and arbitration can help families learn the techniques necessary to secure their future in a way that will allow them to remain healthy.  Family coaching is continuing to grow and develop, why not join this new and expanding aspect of the field and make a lasting contribution to society?

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